NAMA provides an integrated system for Employees via two dedicated menus named human resources and payroll. NAMA supports the following features:
NAMA provides a flexible method to define attendance plans by the work nature. For example, you can define many shift plans for management employees, factory workers, workers of nigh shift, ..etc.
NAMA supports defining variable and periodical shift plans according to the work nature. For example, user can define switched shift plans for workers so as to alternate their working hours daily, weekly, or monthly with the capability for defining exception shift plans inside their shifts to adapt the work nature.
NAMA supports the attendance data via the time attendance machines and importing attendance data from external file as well as inserting attendance data manually via time attendance documents.
NAMA supports fixed and flexible working hours. For example, you can define fixed working hours for some employees from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM; while salesmen may have flexible working hours to adapt their working nature; consequently, the calculation method for time attendance differs from employee to another.