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After I had started working in NAMA, I discovered that I need other features?

NAMA is a Customizable Readymade application which allows user to implement the system according to the work requirements. Most required features may be supported by NAMA implementers via the options of the system; however, if the required features are not supported, you can Contact with NAMA company to order the required enhancements, and it will be considered by NAMA according to its notability and customers’ needs; consequently, required enhancementsmay be provided in a next release.

Does the enterprise providesfree releases for new enhancements and bug fixes?

Yes, developer company launches new releases for NAMA systems including fixing for discovered defects and required enhancements. Customers within a warrantee period or service agreement can periodically download these releases

After the end of warrantee period, can you support me?

Yes, after the end of warrantee period, the customer can request a service agreement to have a technical support and acquire new releases.

I have many branches; can I link these branches with NAMA?

The system provides an effective mechanism to link all customer branches to each other and monitor the cash flows, balances, and quantities in all branchesin order to have identical databases in all branches.

We have entered into another business in addition to the main business. Does NAMA support other systems?

NAMA currently supports financial, manufacturing, service centers, real estate, job orders, and other systems. Contact the nearest site of NAMA to ask the required system; however, NAMA company does not mind creating a new module to meet the customer requirements.

Could I perform stocktaking procedures at any time within the year.

Yes, you can perform all stocktaking procedures at any time within year according to the commonly recognized accounting rules. Furthermore, NAMA provides an important feature as users may discovers that there are missed data not entered before stocktaking process which will affect on the inventory value. In this case, you can contact the technical support in order to solve this problem without having to re-perform stocktaking and suspend users again.

Does NAMA provide data backup service automatically, and what if there was loss of data?

NAMA advices customers to take a database backup periodically. SQL server for example, allows users to make a database backup at specific times periodically. Customer will take the risk if he does not follow this approach.

What is the future vision of NAMA company?

NAMA company has taken it upon itself to follow modern systems and keep up with the technical challenges, therefore NAMA ERP has been developed by theprogramming language JAVA that works on any operating system. NAMA also works on most databases in addition to the possibility of working on tablet devices and mobile phones. We believe that modernization and changesare one of the key features in the software industry, so we are developing according to the business required for the Arab market and new technologies that we must deal with.

Does NAMA system provide the features of multinational systemslike Oracle or Axapta?

NAMA company has taken a lot of time before designing the system to be acquainted with the competitive systems, and then chose the proper features. While implementing the program, you will notice that you have to define a legal entity firstly, and then define departments, branches, sectors, and others in addition to define the authorities of these sections, and their users like the some multinational systems. You can trust NAMA as a strong competitive system in Arab region.