- 12
- Dec
- 2017

Namasoft Signs ERP Project Application Contract with Aboulmakarem Contracting amp Construction Company The success story of Namasoft Software Company in the field of general contracting and real es[...]
Namasoft Signs ERP Project Application Contract with Aboulmakarem Contracting amp Construction Company The success story of Namasoft Software Company in the field of general contracting and real es[...]
In accordance with the regional expansion plan for Namastes ERP solutions projects across the Middle East and North Africa region ltgt has signed an implementation contract with SARL SMOFE the brands[...]
According to Dokhoon AL Emaratia policy to have a modern and efficient system they have signed a contract to have Nama ERP system Dokhoon AL Emaratia is one of the major players in perfumes products i[...]
A supply contract for NAMA ERP system has been signed between Namasoft and Cooperative Societies Council in the presence of Dr Nasser Ibrahim Al Twim Chairman Mr Adham Sabry Sales Manager of Riyadh [...]
Cairo ICT 2730 NOVEMBER 2016 This is one of the top international events in the Middle East and North Africa covering the fields of TelecomInformation Technology Electronics Mobile Applications Int[...]
Dear Namasoftcom users We are glad to inform that Namasoftcom has launched its monthly upgrades Improvements are made in Inventory Sales Real estate Reporting modules as well as in the overall perfo[...]
Dear Namasoftcom users We are glad to inform that Namasoftcom has launched its monthly upgrades Improvements are made in production Management fixed assets CRM HRMS Payroll Reporting modules as well a[...]
More than just an event GITEX Tech week is set to redefine technology for business 1620 OCTOBER 2016 DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTRE 16 OCTOBER 1PM 7 PM 17 19 OCTOBER 11AM 7PM 20 OCTOBER 11AM 3 PM[...]
H E President Abdel Fattah ElSisi accompanied by Egypts Prime Minister Sheriff Ismail and the Minister of Communications and Information Technology led a starstudded group of toplevel government offic[...]